Hello, welcome to the blogs chat page, here everything relating to blogs, their setup, their customization and any other cool info i think you need to know will be posted here.....
Blogs have become the most popular way for people all around the world to share their ideas, feeling and thought about any thing in their lives to their friends and any other person who might care to read it. Because of their ever increasing popularity and the fact that many newbies might wanna create a blog but don't like the common and completely uncool templates, this page was made just for that. The information on this page should be helpful in giving you complete control so that you can get the most out of a blog you set up for yourself.....
1 comment:
Blogs:Getting started part 1
Once again welcome to the world of blogs, i will just get straight to it. Blogs are note-like websites where your former note or post as it is called is displayed before your most recent one in a list like manner.
Now to make a blog is very easy, you don't need hosting, and you don't need to know a great deal of HTML to start a blog because all the background work is taken care of by the blog publisher/platform you are using...
I will like to point out here that a knowledge in HTML and CSS will be a very great advantage to you when customizing your blog. There are many blog publishers available and they are all free e.g word-press, Google's blogger e.t.c i listed the two most common ones. i will not give a recommendation on any one but both are very good blog platforms depending on what you need out of your blog. Chose the one that suits you but if you are just starting i personally will like you to start with Google's blogger platform (www.blogger.com) because of its simplicity and easiness to set up, however the templates so dull and are not that cool. If you are looking for more advance templates try Word-press (www.wordpress.com) blog platform(they have really cool templates)...
...later, i will continue this in part 2 .....
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